Nurturing a Mother’s Intuition

The Powerful Benefits of Nurturing a Mother’s Intuition

A Mothers intuition can indeed spark an energetic exchange between her and her care providers

Imagine creating such a synergy with your birthing team that they know your every need and sense and trust you to flow with your instinctive body needs.  They are there to provide a protective force, finely tuned to your every need.   By developing and nurturing a birthing mother to be deeply connected to her intuition will energetically invite this type of synergy and connectedness.

If you have a Doula she will help develop this during her visits prior to birth day. By listening and asking a mother how she is feeling, she is encouraging her to tap into her intuition. She will encourage her to practise listening to her body and her baby. She will teach her about her instinctive nature, about her body that is hard wired to birth.  A mother will then know what is her ‘felt sense’ of what needs to happen during labour.

During birth if a mother’s perception is firstly acknowledged by all her care providers and secondly she is invited to trust it, then she will feel free to express her intuition freely. So we all listen we wait we connect with what she needs.

It is a beautiful thing to experience.